Health, Safety And Environment

At Amazon Drilling Limited we have an uncompromising commitment to the occupational health and safety of our employees and others where we work.

We operate in many diverse, remote and often difficult locations, and our employees’ wellbeing, regardless of where they work, is paramount. Our safety brochure provides more information on our safety initiatives supporting our commitment to providing a safe working environment.

In all our operations we do voluntary actions to improve the living conditions (economic, social, and environmental) of local communities. Economically; by employing project supporting staffs from local surrounding communities, by purchasing products/ services from local communities, Socially; by drilling water bores at zero cost, providing educational and health promotional materials.

Safety & Health Policy

Amazon Drilling Limited is committed to the formulation and implementation of a Safety and Health Policy to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors and visitors. However, it is the responsibility of ALL EMPLOYEES to support the policy and its implementation.

Amazon Drilling Limited will abide by all statutory Acts and Regulations in force, wherever we work, and endeavour to maintain and improve safety and health standards beyond and above these requirements.

To obtain maximum effectiveness from this policy, the following points are significant

  • Employees are being adequately inducted
  • Equipment are maintained in a safe operating condition at all times
  • All employees are being involved in, and contribute to, safety
  • All accidents/incidents are being reported and investigated to prevent recurrence
  • Engineering solutions are always sought for identified safety hazards
  • Personal protective equipment are being provided and used correctly at all times
  • Safe working procedures are always being developed, improved, updated, and implemented
  • Regular ongoing training are being provided for all employees